



"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect."

Matthew 5:48

To study and understand the Laws of Life and to meditate upon them is desirable indeed, but the active practice of the God Presence in action brings the definite manifestation of the good upon which you meditate. Take time each day to draw the Power of the Presence into action in your world and for those who look to you for guidance and assistance as well as for those with whom you are associated. Use the affirmations which follow to control and direct your consciousness in the channels for good and perfect understanding of the God Presence within you. 

"I AM" thy Father-Mother God Presence Indwelling within thy mortal form! 

God, the Immortal Healing Presence, is pulsating through my mortal self with every breath and heartbeat, the Perfection of Divinity! 

I accept God's Divine Gift of Life, and no thought, feeling, desire, or human appearance shall interfere with the manifestations of its Beauty and Perfection. 







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