May 10, 1953

On the anniversary of the Day when the human race gives recognition to the service that the Mothers have rendered the evolution of the souls of men, let us think on the marvelous opportunity that has been afforded each and every lifestream presently incarnated upon the planet by the individual who became the open door through which the soul might receive physical incarnation and the necessary garments of flesh in order to pursue its individual journey toward self-mastery and perfection. 

Of the approximate ten billion souls that belong to the evolution awaiting the opportunity to evolve upon the planet earth, only about four billion are allowed to take earth bodies at one time. This means that for every soul who is accorded the privilege of entering into physical incarnation, two souls are denied that opportunity and must await a future moment when an incarnate soul volunteers to accept the responsibility and individual discomfort of providing the physical garment for such a one. 

The law of the Great Universe requires that mankind must complete their evolution upon the planet where they have mis-used the life energies in the past, if it were not for the mothers of the race, none of the waiting egos might have the freedom of the Ascension which can come alone through learning to control and master the use of energy in and through a physical body. Let us individually ask the blessings of life upon the mothers who have given us the opportunity to be in embodiment today, and all the Mothers who have given us embodiment from the beginning of time. 

And let us ask that the great mothers of the Spiritual Lords of the Earth, the Lady Masters, Vesta Mary, Kwan Yin, and all concerned with the purification of the feminine aspect of life, be blessed for their service by the Christ Selves of every member of the human race whom they have served! And may all the pain, the impurity, the suffering and unhappiness that has entered into the mass karma of the women of the race be dissipated by Mercy and through Love! 



By V. F. Angleday

Mothers' Day! Surely there is not a living being in the earth, on the earth, or in its atmosphere who cannot and should not observe this occasion with a feeling of deep gratitude and reverence. 

All that has form in this physical appearance world has required the assistance of some other part of Life which preceded its presence here, to be the channel through which it might have a form and recognition in this octave of expression. The feminine aspect of the Deity (the Mother expression of the Godhead) has had very little recognition by the general orthodox world but the Truth of the matter is that the women of the Western World and so-called "Christian" nations owe their greater freedom of expression and place in society to the teachings and example of the Beloved Jesus who on every occasion possible, raised and reverenced the feminine form and nature. 

In the Ascended Masters' Octave, the Lady Masters who are beautiful as a dream, exquisite beyond description, are loved and revered by all the Hosts of Heaven in a most magnificent way. It is the mark of the true "gentleman" which word, by the way, was coined by our own Beloved Saint Germain to respect, protect and stand ready at all times to serve the femininity of the race, and it is to be regretted indeed that so many of the masculine expressions of Life have such a scorn for their feminine counterparts expressed in so many slighting terms. Such masculine forms may yet have to incarnate in feminine bodies and live under the pressure of their own condemnation. 

One of America's "Great" men was one day walking with a friend on the street of a rather small town where nearly everyone knew everyone else. They suddenly met and passed a woman of quite questionable moral reputation. The "Great" man knew her by name, spoke and tipped his hat to her as he would to any fine lady. His companion did not do so and asked the gentleman why he so acknowledged this degraded one. Said the "Great" man, "I doffed my hat in respect to the beauty of the femininity within her, not to the use she had made of it!" 

And so, should we all always love and reverence the beauty of Life in each other, for who among all the unascended of earth, has made perfect use of that gift? 

Did you ever stop for just a moment to think about this blessed planet turning day in and day out on its bent axis, bent, mind you, by the overwhelming load of physical pain, agony, distress, fear, jealousy, and all kinds of ugliness and distorted form? Do you realize that the women of the world are the pain bearers for humanity and, because they represent the feeling nature (about 90% of the energy of the aura), suffer much more keenly as a rule from the "hurts" of Life than do their brothers. 

Do you know how much pain is suffered, how many tears are shed to bring just one human being through a physical birth into this world? Then multiply that by the millions coming into embodiment every day all over this world and add to that all the pain of animal birth and you have a release of energy qualified with that which was never intended to be. Thank God for the great Wisdom of Life that always brings a perfect balance in due time and so compels all Life to experience both masculine and feminine existence in the course of the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. 

And so, thank God for Mothers' Day, which brings to our outer mind the remembrance of what we owe some other part of Life who was willing to sacrifice so much of personal comfort and peace and sometimes Life itself, that we might have a body in this physical world and another opportunity to balance our accounts with Life and right the wrongs of past mistakes. 

There is, of course, a "smother" "love" which seeks possession and holding of the loved one to do their will but better even such a release of Love than none at all. It has been said that Mother Love and the intense desire for the welfare of her children is the closest to the Love of God for all his creation. 

So as true followers of the Christ, as sincere Light Bearers to the rest of mankind let us all, masculine and feminine alike, try to feel more kindly toward the feminine aspect of our race and honor the beauty of the feminine wherever we find it, regardless of the use to which it has been put. So, live the Angels in loving, adoring reverence to all Life and thus is their happiness and joy of Life sustained and expanded in Heaven. One day they must come on earth and dwell among us this is a preparation for that day.








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