

By Serapis Bey

Beloved Hearts of very great Light, it is my joy to address you in preparation for the half-yearly Council which means so much to me as your Sponsor, when I must stand by your side individually as your Book of Life is read and the report of your opportunity and your service is measured, in order that the Great Karmic Board Itself may best judge what dispensations can be given for the balance of the year to other members of the human race. 

When the fiat was released that we had a short twenty-year period during which to expand the consciousness of Love and Light throughout the entire race, it was my joy, privilege and honor to bring word of that decision to the Christ-selves of this evolution who are presently walking Homeward on the planet earth. 

I remember well addressing you and I remember how the Christ-self of each one asked for the opportunity to take over the outer personality and through it fulfill the Divine Plan, as well as assist in expanding the understanding of life through the consciousness of all peoples in all nations. However, it was not thought wise at that time to give a Grant to the entire evolution because there were not prepared among the incarnate sons and daughters of God enough lifestreams to hold a balance against the tides of energy that would rush from the masses, once the pressure of their own Christhood awakened within them that unquenchable hunger and thirst after righteousness. I was then given the opportunity to select those lifestreams who had made certain preparation in the Causal Body and who had, embodiment after embodiment and century after century, drawn in through and around them, a certain momentum in the action of the Sacred Fire and allow this group precedence in this experiment.

You have been told how two thousand were first given the opportunity and that the response from among them was great enough for the Cosmic Law to increase the Grant in July to the two hundred thousand. However, from this point on we have not met with the success and enthusiasm within the consciousness of the stated number receiving the Grant and here we are scarcely three weeks before the day when I must stand before the Cosmic Board with less than three thousand souls stirring in their sleep! 

I am grateful to each one of you, for your lifestreams did respond and your names are already written in the Book of Life as Servers in the Cause of the Great King, but for the remaining numbers I ask that you now incorporate your energies in daily calls that we may not be found wanting. 

Already the Great Rocky Mountain Retreat is preparing to become the Host to the peoples of earth, the magnetic currents have been set up and will go into motion on the very instant that the vibrations from Jesus' and Mary's Retreat cease to become the predominant inner action of the Law on the earth. I am told that the Spokesman for the Karmic Board at the coming Council will be the Goddess of Mercy, which gives me a great feeling of comfort as we face this impersonal tribunal. 

From the Great Central Sun itself is coming a Messenger who will sit with the Karmic Board and assist them in their decisions as well as in the granting of those dispensations which they feel will benefit individuals, groups, nations and the planet itself. 

It is to help, at least the two hundred thousand, to come to an understanding that they may not weave into their own consciousness the human veil that surrounds them, that I come and plead that you no longer contribute (consciously or unconsciously) to this veil; that you insulate yourself against the forces of the outer world and its affairs which cause the downfall, not only of the innocents, but of the Guardian Presences who volunteered to save and preserve them in God's Service. 

Then when I stand before the Lords of Karma and when the great Maha Chohan hands me the Book of your individual life and I open it and read from those pages that which you have written, which is the record of the use of your life energies, I can offer it proudly and receive from them those added dispensations which are your freedom, because the freedom that comes through the connection with your own God Divinity is the happiest joy of your life. 

With my own hands, at this Council on June 30th, I shall go over the bodies and inner consciousness of every one of you dedicated spirits and dissolve by the pressure of my Love the creations of the centuries, but, individual self-conscious effort must be made from within your own Heart Flame that you do not either accept, or spin again, a new veil in your daily living. 

Once you are out and you stand in the Light of the Sun and look your God-Self in the face, I think the stimulus to your soul and spirit will be sufficient to hold you free from the suggestions that would make you prisoner again. 

I ask as you go forward that you have no sense of tension in your accomplishment but that you might understand that I stand Sponsor for your life. I have given the Good of my Causal Body, the momentum of my centuries of life, in the hope that you might prove worthy of this Gift of Love from the Karmic Board and it is not only you, but I, who must stand before them and render an accounting for that life. Let us, then, proceed in happiness, in joy, in mastery and in peace! 

There have been written countless books regarding Truth. In our library at Luxor alone there are volumes that contain all of the approaches required to achieve the Ascension, but the endeavor in which our energies are presently engaged is to acquaint the consciousness of some unascended beings with what we are doing, while we are doing it. It is a lovely thing to know that the Masters' are working for a planet and a nation, and it is beautiful to accept our Presence in the universe but to be a part in the activity currently engaging the energies of the Masters while that activity is in progress is to become like ten thousand men in your efficacy and service to the Light. 

This is the main purpose and design in bridging the consciousness of the Ascended Host and that of individuals like yourselves, and if we can accomplish a union among a few of you, and through you prove that comradeship, fellowship, brotherhood and cooperative endeavor can be carried on in two separate spheres at the same time, for common good, we have accomplished much. 

To this end a few of us are presently engaged in sending forth the word acquainting mankind with our activity, and, wherever possible, convincing them that association with the Ascended Masters is not a mediumistic or fantastic action, but the most natural service of life. It is natural for you to sit with each other to exchange consciousness of faith and hope born of common interests and, in the warm glow of friendship, unfold your inner natures. Is it not, then, also natural for those of us who love you much more than you could love each other to draw close and talk with you as we would talk with each other? Not necessarily to give you great sermons but to convince you of our reality, our practicability, our accessibility and our service, which becomes the stimulus to the interest of your life energies and the investment of your lifestreams' present activity in the forwarding of God's Divine Plan. 

I bless you and I shall anticipate opening your Book of Life in the presence of the Lords of Karma and reading the words that you have written therein, in the knowledge that you have written well. 

I thank you.







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