By V. F. Angelday

"Let us get more LIGHT on this" how many times have you said that yourself or heard another say it, when there was a question or indecision concerning some course to be followed. "With all thy getting, get understanding" says the Good Book and "understanding" is LIGHT, at least it is one of its attributes. The first fiat that went forth from the Great Creator of all the Universe was "Let there be Light" and immediately, Light appeared. 

Light ALWAYS appears when called for. That seems somewhat difficult to believe sometimes because of the denseness of the substance of earth with which we work and in which we live. Because we do not SEE the manifestation for which we call the outer mind has the tendency to think that nothing happened. However, "The Call COMPELS the Answer" and it is just as impossible for a sincere call to go unanswered as it would be to plant an oak and have a maple come up as a result. Exact causes produce exact results. When Light is called for, LIGHT must appear! In the first place, it is the substance, out of which all the Universe is made. Without Light, nothing is ever created or accomplished for it is the Universal substance of creation. When an individual makes the call "Oh God! give me Light! Give me whatever intensity of Light is required to solve this problem for me" that instant a ray of Light, containing the call goes out from the one in need and arises to the listening ear of mighty Beings whose joy it is, through their great Love, to answer the heart calls of those on earth. At once, on the same ray that carried the call, there returns to the caller the Illumination, the Love, the Comfort, the Hope and all that is required to adjust the appearances of imperfection and bring and hold all into perfect Divine Order through Divine Love. 

After such a call for help is made, it would be well for the one in need to consciously get quite still, and consciously WAIT and expect to receive, the FEELING of peace and release from the discomfort, tension and distress. It will come, and when it does, we should quickly GRASP it and call to the mighty God within us to hold, protect, expand and permanently anchor it within our feelings worlds for all Eternity so that at least that particular problem does not come up again. Only in this way can we make PERMANENT progress to just keep solving the same problems over and over again, which is what we have been doing for millions of years, in one embodiment after another, surely is not gathering much Illumination which can be expanded to the point where it illumines with actual physical Light not only the mind of the individual but the actual flesh substance of his body as well, visible and tangible to the physical sight of all, as did Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. He said, "The things that I have done shall ye do also" and he meant ALL he did. We who have read and heard that statement so many times seem to think it means only the GOOD things he experienced doing the miracles, receiving the approbation of God when the Dove descended at his baptism but there is more to it than that. As we have said before "He the great Example is… and PATTERN for me." A pattern gives the same form to everyone who uses it, no matter who or what they are or what substance they use to make that form. 

The Master Jesus was CENTURIES gathering Light Illumination which served him so well in that final embodiment of his earth life that gave him the Ascension. He offers that full gathered momentum NOW to each and every one who will sincerely call for it "Call unto me, and I WILL ANSWER YOU!" He answers us by and with HIS LIGHT actual substance of his own Life and if we will consciously accept it that substance enters into and becomes an actual part of our world. Its nature is to expand and expand until it has made us all that he has become. Let us make it a point, in all experiences we contact, to say AT ONCE, before the feelings get too much disturbed about them "Dear God, right in my own heart GIVE ME YOUR LIGHT on this and show me your Way. Then see that I walk within it all ways." Angels of Light attend you at all times, dear reader, and help you to remember this which will bring you his Peace.





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