By V. F. Angelday

"Ignorance of the Law is no excuse!" Many a person has heard those words to their great dismay, hoping against hope that their feeble excuse "I didn't know it was wrong" would help them when something unworthy of their better Self caught up with them. This sounds rather drastic. Why is it so? Because, the great God of Love who made us all provided for all his creations a "monitor", a "prompter", a FEELING of warning from within itself that never fails to give the warning by an uncomfortable feeling or a "still small voice." Unfortunately, neither of these merciful gifts from the Father of Light is often heeded. How many times, when we find ourselves in distress because of a certain course of action, have we said, "I HAD A FEELING not to do that" but we did as we pleased anyway, or as someone else pleased when we allowed them to direct the energy of OUR LIFE their way! 

From the Heart and Mind of God Perfection where we created and sent forth into the Universe to create and expand PERFECTION. That perfect pattern of the Perfection we were individually to create came with each one and is held within the Unfed Flame, the Flame of Life, within the heart. This Flame is the "All-knowing Mind of God" and is present and active in the most undeveloped culturally of mankind on this planet. For instance, the aborigine, the pygmy in the darkest part of Africa, is warned of danger, given a "hunch" as to where to find food, what to do in an emergency and, many times, because of the simplicity of their consciousness, they automatically cooperate with those feelings and have the blessing intended for them. The more "civilized" man so often relies upon his REASON for his guide, and scorns what he calls the "superstition" of those inner feelings. 

This "monitor," this "guide" we speak of is in reality the Christ Self of the individual which the beloved Jesus called "The Mediator between God and man." This Christ Self KNOWS the Perfection of the Creator of our individuality and acts as a step-down transformer for the great Power and Perfection of that God Self so that we are never given more to handle than we can bear. It also knows the imperfections of the human self but realizing no imperfection can ever be Eternal, gives those appearances no power and does not energize them by his attention.









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