Gift of LIGHT

Love, Illumination, Gratitude, Humility, Transformation

September 2014

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Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern,


Feeling the rhythm of the Divine Sacred Fire emanating from the earth beneath my feet I now experience and notice the vibration of this flame within my heart and the very heart of the Universe, pulsating with the same rhythm. 


Breathing Statement *for the Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern


(Breathe in)                    I AM inbreathing

(Hold breath in)              I AM absorbing

(Breathe out)                  I AM expanding

(Hold breath out)            I AM projecting

…the gentle radiance and warmth of the Light within the Divine Sacred Fire. (3x)


* The breathing statement should be given four times for each full breath. On the inbreath, breath in the qualities contained within the Flame. As you hold your breath in, absorb the qualities deep within every part of your being. As you breathe out, expand and increase the power and momentum of the divine qualities you are calling forth through the power of the Holy Breath. As you hold your breath out of your body, project these magnificent God Qualities forth to all life. Repeat this exercise a minimum of three full breaths.



Eternal Peace

It is noted that your individual Inner Path, dear chelas, is well marked by your faithful and steadfast progress. Each day you will find yourselves further along upon its Mystic Way, and regardless of outer conditions, one day you will truly enter the Holy of Holies in its fullness, the Pure White Light of Spirit. 

You have long sojourned upon the path of temporal pleasures, and the return to the tranquility of ‘the still waters’ found in the innermost recesses of your beings, is fraught with experiences which seem to be setbacks in your forward progress. This is because your quest for the true tranquility of Spirit is yet unfulfilled. 

Let me assure you that one day each of you will be that glorious fulfillment in yourself, and then you can proceed along the Path without struggle and without reluctance as you travel through the outer world in your Service to the Light. It is only the unfulfillment that causes distress. When you become the Christ in action, your journey upon this Planet will be a magnificent one. 

Know that in the Sphere of Eternal Perfection, where your I AM Presence dwells, there is naught but Good and the Expressions of Divinity are great founts upon which you may draw at any time for the enrichment of all life. 

In your contemplation, when you feel yourself truly the One Universal Divine Presence and Consciousness, instantly you step through the portals into the Realms of Eternal Beauty and Bliss. It does not take time to soar there. It does not require travelling through endless space. All that is required is a calm serene KNOWING that the Divine Presence is who you truly are, and in the security of your own room you may enter the Holy of Holies and experience the meaning of True Peace. 

Let your hearts rejoice that at every call for your purification and perfection, the Angels rush to assist you and remove from your Spirit the remaining ‘winding sheets’ of personality and of shadows. 

Know always that you are enfolded in Divine Light, Love and Protection.


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From Celestial realms I greet you, conveying to you the enfolding Peace, Comfort and Understanding from the glorious Realms of Perfection. 

My Heart is overjoyed, as I witness the expansion of your consciousness. I AM very grateful to see your growing comprehension of the Oneness of all life, and the indivisibility of the Divine. 

The various Rays, like unto the sunshine, are all part of this Holy body, and the redemption of the billions of souls belonging to this Planet, requires Lifestreams with the capacity to serve impersonally from them all. 

As you pierce through the outer veil, you will know that the humanity of Earth are these Light Rays and their Radiation. 

One of the Qualities so necessary for your personal unfoldment is the cultivation of Happiness. When one is sending forth that vibration it forms a magnet over which other Divine Gifts may flow into this world, and then goes forth to bless all sentient life. All Cosmic and Ascended Beings convey Happiness to life as they pass through the universe. 

I humbly suggest that you partake of some of the buoyancy of Life, as you practice the expansion of Happiness everywhere you go, and on everyone, in simple ways at first and then in, a more intensified manner, until you build a momentum of this so necessary Quality of making ALL LIFE happier and joyful as a result of your presence with them. 

A happy person is welcome everywhere they go, and the radiation of welcome is that of Love. This is not an external blessing but one which enters into and adds to the Cup of Happiness which each of you carries within your blessed hearts. 

I AM in the Spirit of Grace, the Cosmic Holy Spirit. 



Transmission Flame Service* ~ part 3

(*Part 1 & 2 – July-August 2014 Gift of Light) 


          Breathe in...           Breathe out...

* I AM inbreathing…

I AM absorbing…

I AM expanding…

I AM projecting…

(Breathing Pattern for month *3X)


Breathe in... and, breathe out... as you experience the Oneness of Consciousness… anchoring, illuminating and expanding within:  

Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, in the etheric realms: 

          Focusing your attention upon the Threefold Flame within your heart, you feel yourself traveling in consciousness high into the atmosphere to the etheric realms. As you adjust to the higher vibrations, you begin to perceive a radiant temple, which is a part of the Cities of Shamballa, which appears as a glorious Metropolis of Living Loving Light. In the center is the luminous shimmering Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit. From the outer reaches of the Temple, countless Doves of Peace stream forth covering the Earth, enfolding it in the immense tender embrace of beloved Æolus. As you rest there, Doves of Peace are drawn into your aura through your crown chakra and you begin to radiate the love and peace of the Holy Spirit into all life within your sphere of influence. Accepting that you are a shining example of Divine Peace and Comfort to all life, you are filled with enormous gratitude for all Cosmic Beings and this privilege.          (Long Pause) 


(Give the Electronic Pattern for the month again)


 (Pause)...     Breathe in...           Breathe out...

* I AM inbreathing…

I AM absorbing…

I AM expanding…

I AM projecting…

(Breathing Pattern for month *3X)


Breathe in... and, breathe out... as you experience the Oneness of Consciousness…          anchoring, illuminating and expanding within:  

Temple of the Great White Brotherhood in the Teton Mountains, Wyoming, USA:

          Centered within the three-fold flame allow your thoughts to become focused upon the I AM presence. As you enter the silence, your consciousness is elevated high into the etheric realm over the Royal Tetons, in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming, in the north central part of the United States. As you approach you see the home of the Great White Brotherhood, majestic mountains that meet the feathery clouds of the deep blue sky. The tops of the mountains are covered with glistening snow and in your mind’s eye they appear as natural crystal cathedrals. Looking further, you see a golden translucent portal opening before you. Great beings of light embrace you and enfold you within this sanctuary. Permeating the atmosphere is the quality of reverence for all life, which is the very essence, and foundation of this retreat. Silently you communicate your deep respect to Dwjal Khul and Lord Lanto, who proceed to anchor a strong pulsation of the Precipitation Flame within your heart. In deep humility you are filled with this flame and experience illumination through transformation and purification - becoming one with it. You now experience the entire human family living in complete harmony and peace and solemnly vow to precipitate only perfection, your true Divine nature.           (Long pause)...




          Breathe in...           Breathe out...

* I AM inbreathing…

I AM absorbing…

I AM expanding…

I AM projecting…

 (Breathing Pattern for month *3X)


Breathe in... and, breathe out... as you experience the Oneness of Consciousness…          anchoring, illuminating and expanding within:


The Cities of St. John, in the etheric realm of the Southwestern part of the United States:

This sacred focus of light embodies the feeling and vibrations of the Holy Spirit… the essence of peace, joy, comfort, true harmony of body, mind and spirit and the deep affection and caring of the Divine manifesting itself in the world of form for all humanity. As you bask in this culmination of all divine qualities and activities… you are filled with the most profound and ultimate essence and vibration of divine love and union. Completely immersed in this warmth of this ruby-gold glow of immense love and devotion you float effortlessly within the harmony of the spheres and consciousness of all life. For you know and accept that as a Silent Watcher you have the responsibility to remain at all times within a pure state of grace as your service to humanity!

(Long pause)...



          Breathe in...           Breathe out...

* I AM inbreathing…

I AM absorbing…

I AM expanding…

I AM projecting…

(Breathing Pattern for month *3X)


Breathe in... and, breathe out... as you experience the Oneness of Consciousness…          anchoring, illuminating and expanding within:


Temple of Cosmic Peace & Opulence, situated off the coast of Suva, Fiji Islands in the South Pacific Ocean:

          The Pacific Ocean symbolically and literally represents the emotional body of the planet and thus holds numerous Light centers of feminine energy. Within a subterranean cave deep in a massive mountain at the very bottom of the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Fiji you arrive at an enormous crystal sanctuary which hosts the gift of the expanded radiation of cosmic peace. This deep abiding peace which is offered to all can be anchored within all of your vehicles through this rainbow light ray…      …with the acceptance of this deep abiding peace it will ultimately result in an abundance of health in the body and mind and affluence of the spiritual and material elements.                 (Long pause)...



Breathe in… and breathe out…

(Give the Electronic Pattern for the month again)



Let us send this beautiful thoughtform forth along the luminous lotus flame pathways to the many sacred, consecrated temples and retreats, as we assist in expanding and projecting the Divine Light of the One Universal Consciousness out into, through and around the entire planet Earth.     (Pause) 

Now as we travel forth in our mind’s eye once again to the southwest deserts of Arizona… let us quietly begin to return our attention to this sanctuary... breathe in...                     Absorb...      and breathe out… expanding and projecting the divine essence and radiance of all beloved Qualities of Light into the planet around you. Breathe in... and, breathe out as you slowly start to move and stretch your elemental body! With each breath become more conscious of the physical aspect… 

Feel the rhythm of the Divine Sacred Fire emanating from the ground beneath your feet as you rotate and move them. Now, experience and notice the vibration of this flame within your heart and the very heart of the Universe, pulsating with the same rhythm. Acknowledge the gentle radiance and warmth of the light within the atmosphere around you as you prepare to open your eyes. Know that through this sacred ceremony, the Earth has been infused with the ever- expanding essence of our lotus flame flower.


Let us now bring this service to a close today by giving our Thoughtform and Theme for (year) together… Please gently and completely return your awareness to our sanctuary and when you are ready please stand…     Together as one voice

Thoughtform for year

Breathe in and breathe out…  

Theme for year



You alone chose your reason for being, beloved ones, and you alone will know when you have fulfilled the requirements of your service, that divine purpose for which you have elected to enter into embodiment at this time and in this place!  

So be it, beloved I AM that I AM! 


(please stand for Benediction)


Beloved Presence of God - I AM in us and in all humankind, great host of Ascended Masters and all Cosmic Beings of the Sacred Fire, who have served with us, we thank you and ask that you amplify our humble efforts with your love and light.  

For each sacred foci of love, healing, peace, mercy, illumination, freedom, faith and wisdom - we offer our gratitude for the full gathered cosmic momentum of this activity of the Sacred Fire, which is open to all those who seek. 

Cover our dear planet Earth with light, peace, purity, freedom, illumination and the Will of God made manifest. Hold them sustained in, through and around us and pour them through us for the blessing and raising of all life on our dear planet. 

Let there be established on this sweet Earth again the Temples of the Sacred Fire!

This shall be for I have spoken as God’s Most Holy Name - I AM!



Single Candle Closing Service

Blessed Flame, Expression of the Light Essence of the Supreme Source I AM, we thank you for your obedient service to us. Clothed in the gratitude of our hearts, return now to the Heart Center of Creation, to be again called forth at our invocation, as representatives of the Flame of Divinity within our hearts!


As the Oneness of All Life, I AM!




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October 2014