Petition Meditation Service (revised 2004)

Sixth Ray

Single Candle Lighting Service

All hail to Thee, Almighty All-Pervading Light of the Universe, Supreme Source of All Life I AM! We acknowledge the magnificent Light of the Cosmos and draw forth this sacred flame representing the Three-fold Flame of Divinity within our hearts!



Great Universal Consciousness, the Absolute Source of all Light, We invite, invoke, focus, concentrate, project, sustain and precipitate from within the magnificent free flowing Sea of Light the Infinite Consciousness of Universal Divine Presence - the sacred fire - the Living Body of God! 

Within the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Life, I AM - We acknowledge the Light of Divinity within us as the true center of our being and through it we create and expand all sacred virtues, activities and radiations beneficial to this Earth at all times. 

May all self-conscious intelligence recognize the power of the sacred fire as the true Presence of God within each breath and heartbeat. Let all who choose to be at one with this Presence expand the virtues accumulated in their causal bodies for the enrichment of this world and the entire Universe!

So Be It, Beloved I AM that I AM!


Good evening! Twice each year chelas and lightworkers around this planet choose to pause from their daily lives and come together either physically or at inner levels to place their full attention and energy upon very specific thoughtforms for the advancement of humanity and all life on the planet Earth. This service is the physical manifestation of our commitment and dedication to the expansion of these efforts. Let us now begin preparing ourselves for this sacred service by acknowledging and strengthening our individual protective forcefield of Light…Please pick up the leaflet that was on your chair…    

Mantle of Light/revised   As one voice…


Beloved Presence I AM that I AM within me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of the One Universal Light Substance as a blazing aura of ever-expanding protection around me. 

From within this cosmic heart, I feel the pulsation of the Flame of Divinity, the Presence of Oneness radiating throughout my consciousness eternally bestowing the limitless celestial virtues, qualities and blessings to all life everywhere. 

I acknowledge and accept this mighty Light and invincible momentum of Faith so lovingly extended to me.  And with loving sincerity, I declare:

The Light of God is eternally victorious!       (3x)

I live this day in Divine Light!   (3x)

God is in control wherever I AM!        (3x)

The Harmony of My True Being Is My Ultimate Protection!        (3x)

In deep appreciation… as God's most holy name, I AM that I AM!


Please be seated. Let us now call forth the personal, universal transformation of our human consciousness by giving the decree…

Personal Purification & Preparation/revised… As one voice…


Oh, glorious Presence I AM that I AM blaze forth all the magnificent Light rays and…

Transform my human consciousness with Divine Sacred Fire!       (3x)

Transform my human aura with Divine Sacred Fire!                    (3x)

Transform my personality with Divine Sacred Fire!                   (3x)        …Pause

And with this transformation, I quietly affirm to the center of my being:

I AM in the world but not of it!                   (3x)

I AM in the world yet I AM the essence of Divine reality!        3x)

I AM an embodied being of Light and I AM free!   So be it, beloved I AM that I AM!


Begin to now center yourself, as we start to visualize ourselves as a blazing field of Light… This light originates within the center of our own I AM Presence, and serves as the divine foundation for our lifestream manifesting itself as a radiant shimmering aura…It binds us with the Light of God, Allah, Yahweh, the Divine, the One Infinite Universal Consciousness – in, through and around all that we represent and symbolize…From within this Heavenly Aura of Light, we freely express the perfection of divinity.                        (*Pause-long)


*NOTE to Director:  (Pause-long = should be at least 30 seconds)

Silently affirm:

I AM Divine Energy in action, bringing Peace, Harmony and Truth to all I contact at all times!


I AM Divine Light in action, expressing only Perfection wherever I go, and to all those I contact at any time!


 I AM Divine Power in action, blazing the Light of Truth to all life, illuminating that Life, and transforming any shadows of  a lesser creation forever through my being and world!


See yourself, freely soaring and spiraling outward beyond time and space…

…an essential aspect of an invincible forcefield.



Expanding forth as this forcefield of dynamic positive energy and becoming the embodiment, the manifestation of the Divine Will of One Universal Consciousness.


 Visualize this outwardly swirling sacred Violet Fire of Transformation filling your entire being and world……purifying every atom… …transforming all human consciousness…        …raising your vibratory level to where you are ONE with the Sacred Fire……manifesting only Divine accomplishment within and through yourself and the world around you…



Silently affirm with me:

I AM an Embodied Being of Light, and I AM Free!  (3x)

Slowly and deeply breathe in… and gently exhale…

…once again breathe in… and breathe out…

(Thoughtform for 2004:)

Coming full circle, the magnificent free flowing Sea of Light spirals high into the atmosphere of Earth. Easily and effortlessly this divine energy moves throughout the universe drawing the ultimate vibration – the Infinite Consciousness of the Universal Presence of God through us. We now know, accept and become ONE – One breath, One heartbeat, One body, One energy and vibration, One consciousness of pure thought and feeling, One love and One desire!


Please join me in verbally manifesting the Theme for 2004:

As the Love vibration of the Sacred Fire takes full command of all evolutions on Earth I AM completely at ONE with Thee and I decree:

*Let there be love!

Let there be comfort!

Let there be harmony!

Let there be peace!         (*3x)

Now and forever sustained! So be it, beloved I AM that I AM!


Take a slow but deep breath in…         and gently breathe out…  breathe in… and breathe out… 

Centering ourselves and feeling our at-one-ment with each other and with all those connecting with us by ties of light!  

Feel the radiation of Divine Order, working from within the Great Silence, assisting us in combining our energies with all beings, ascended and unascended, who are drawn to this sacred service. 


Feel and know that our energy is being woven together into a mighty force of good for this planet, guided and directed by the Divine Principle that forms the basis of all life.


As we continue to deepen our meditation this evening, make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take a few slow deep breaths…

(Pause – long) 

INBREATHING and ABSORBING the combined momentum of all those working with us… Feel your Heart Flame expanding to fill your four lower vehicles and then blazing forth, combining with the Planetary Three-fold Flame… becoming ONE with all that is and is not.


Know there is a greater Love, Wisdom and Power than yourself in action through these efforts.


Accept that Divine Love and let it flow forth to bathe all life with its radiance. 


Accept that Divine Wisdom as an expression of our thoughts and actions, so that we may acknowledge and be guided only by the Divine Principle of Life.


Accept that Divine Power to manifest only that which is desired by the highest good of all in establishing the Divine and Glorious essence of Oneness on Earth!   


As you remain within this meditative state… continue to place your attention comfortably upon these words:



Beloved Presence I AM that I AM, we are grateful for the Flame of Life within our hearts and the hearts of all humanity. On behalf of all life on Earth, we stand ready to add the Light and Energy of our hearts to the manifestation of spiritual advancement for all life. 

We now invoke the full intensity of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power into the considerations of the present petitions. 

This evening we especially focus on the qualities of Peace, Grace & Ministration. We consciously invoke all those willing to sustain and maintain the petitions and dispensations of the Ruby Gold Ray and to remain attentive and responsive to this service. 

We invoke the full divine momentum from the hearts of all beings of light so that all sentient beings and humanity may be united in service, guided by the Immaculate Concept and their own Divine blueprint. May all consciously remain aware of their reason for incarnation at this time and then joyously manifest their purpose… leading them to greater service. 

May we forever remain one with the Flame, uniting our consciousness with all life.

We inbreathe the Flame and the essence of Peace, Grace & Ministration as it penetrates every electron of our beings and worlds! We exhale, expanding and projecting this substance out to all life upon the planet Earth.


We will now give our breathing statement four times for each full breath:

The first time, breathe in the radiant Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration.

The second time, hold the breath in, absorbing these qualities deep within your self.

The third time, breathe out, expanding and increasing the power and momentum of the radiant Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration.

The fourth time, hold the breath out of your body and project these magnificent-qualities outward to all life.        Now, breathe in… and breathe out…

Breathing Statement (3x)

I AM inbreathing the Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration

I AM absorbing the Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration

I AM expanding the Ruby Gold  Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration

I AM projecting the Ruby Gold  Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration

Breathe in the Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace & Ministration…         and easily breathe out…

As we continue with our meditation in silence, please keep your breath gentle and rhythmic… inbreathing and absorbing… expanding and projecting the qualities and blessings of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration. Concentrate upon these blessings, silently affirming to yourself on the inbreathe:

I AM the Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration!

As you breathe out:

I AM the Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration, in action here and now!

As you acknowledge yourself as the essence of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration in action, expand this Essence until it blazes forth to enfold all life in the brilliant Light of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration, now and forever sustained!


(Note to Director:  Be seated for the silent meditation and after about 10-12 minutes the music director will ring the bells 3x - continue by standing and saying….)


Knowing that you are Ruby Gold Flame of Divine Peace, Grace & Ministration manifest upon the Earth, begin to slowly return your attention to our sanctuary. 

Breathe in deeply and slowly…   and breathe out gently… once again breathe in deeply… and breathe out slowly as you effortlessly open your eyes…       Breathe in… and on the out breath please pick up your leaflet and when you are ready I ask that you prepare to give our Group Petition…   breathe in… and breathe out…as one voice… 

Beloved Presence of God I AM that I AM, we bow in humble gratitude for the opportunity to raise the vibration of this Activity of Light into perfect at-one-ment with the Universal Threefold Flame of Life! In your name, we lift the chalice of our consciousness high and decree:

*We are the restoration of perfect balance in the Threefold Flame of this Activity of Light. (3x)


Our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies bow in humble obedience to this flame. Divine Love, Wisdom and Power now direct our every thought, word, deed, action and reaction


In our service to life we now consciously choose to become one of the limitless Silent Watchers of this great Earth. No longer will our primary purpose be one of action. Instead we enter and remain within the Great Silence.


Purified and aligned with the Perfect Will of God, our four lower vehicles have now become perfect receivers and transmitters of the higher energies, vibrations and consciousness available from the Great Universal Presence of the Divine.


We shall freely and joyfully go about our daily activities quietly defending, illuminating, loving, purifying, healing, forgiving and supporting our sisters and brothers in all Activities of Light throughout our planet Earth.

We make this call on behalf of all life!          So be it, beloved I AM that I AM.


Let us now close our service tonight by offering a Call for Peace/revised…     as one voice…

Centered within the immortal Flame of Life I AM that I AM, I speak on behalf of the human family and declare Christ/Buddhic consciousness as the directing force in all human relationships. I affirm that Love is the only power that can act in transforming the illusion of conflict that divides us one from the other. As we are ONE in the body of the Eternal, let each feel that Oneness, the peace giving Presence of I AM that I AM within all our thoughts and emotions. Let Divine peace enfold all life and may all aggressive behavior be transmuted and transformed through the currents of Violet Fire flowing to, in and around us at all times. 

I gratefully accept this and all beings of light concerned with the evolution of life in this universe and expand and sustain this desire, for…

I AM a Shining Example of Divine Peace to All Life! (3x)

And I AM Grateful! …So be it, Beloved I AM that I AM!


And we will continue to enfold all our efforts in Divine Peace. Feeling the Divine Peace within your beings and worlds, please rise for our Benediction.



Beloved Presence of God - I AM that I AM in us and in all life, great host of Ascended Masters and all Cosmic Beings of the Sacred Fire, we thank you and ask that you amplify our humble efforts with your love and light.  

For each sacred foci of love, healing, peace, mercy, illumination, freedom, faith and wisdom - we offer our gratitude for the full gathered cosmic momentum of this activity of the Sacred Fire, which is accessible to all those who seek. 

Cover our dear planet Earth with light, purity, freedom, illumination and the Will of God made manifest. Hold them sustained in, through and around us and pour them through us for the blessing and raising of all life on our planet. 

Let there be established again on this sweet Earth the Essence of the Divine Sacred Fire!

This shall be for I have spoken as God’s Most Holy Name - I AM that I AM!


Acolyte Service

Blessed Flame, Expression of the Light Essence of the Supreme Source I AM that I AM, we thank you for your reverent service to us. Clothed in the gratitude of our hearts, return now to the Heart Center of Creation, to be again called forth at our invocation, as representatives of the Flame of Divinity within our hearts!

As the Oneness of All Life, I AM!  
