The Natural Rhythm of Life

(Excerpted from God’s Divine Plan for Our Solar System).

There are various ways and means of accelerating the vibratory action of your inner and flesh bodies. One of the greatest of the natural means is through rhythmic breathing because it is the rhythm of creation! When you draw this energy into the Flame in your heart and expand it forth, you begin to come into harmony with the natural rhythm in all activities of nature; in the rise and set of the Sun; the rise and fall of the tide; in the changing of the seasons—that absolutely, unbroken rhythm!


In the Golden Ages when humankind had the greatest peace, the greatest illumination, the greatest bodily health, the greatest opulence; were ages when the rhythm of natural life was absolutely synchronized and observed in rhythmic breathing. The basis of The Law of Life is the rhythm of magnetization and radiation!  If there is too much magnetization of power and not an equal radiation of blessings, there is a broken rhythm. If there is too much blessing and ministration without enough magnetization of the power from the Source of All Good by which you live, there is depletion and exhaustion and all humanity’s distress, disharmony and chaos are the result of this broken rhythm.


In order to give your maximum assistance in this cosmic push of the hour and accelerate the vibrations in yourselves and expand them to all humankind, make an extra effort beloved ones to hold this harmonious rhythm in your work, your service, your realization and in your life.


So be it!