Threshold of Higher Consciousness


Midnight Service

 Beloved of God,  

As we stand together on the threshold of a new year I ask you to pause for a moment and recall the major occurrences of this year, and not just in the physical sense with the pain, anger and hopelessness that surrounds the lives of so many, especially during the last three months. Let us instead briefly enter the Silence and look to the higher spiritual significance of these events with faith, compassion and love by consciously blessing those who chose to forgo their earthly lives for humanity. Let us remember their loved ones who, for now, must continue to live their lives. We must also not forget to pray for those souls who, like it or not, served as the catalyst that will ultimately result in the re-unification of all nations and all people on this planet.  

Beloved ones please realize that lives were not really "lost" in the events of September 11th, for not one of these brave souls is missing! After their great sacrifice on behalf of all the children of Earth, they now rest safely and peacefully in the comforting and loving arms of the One Universal Presence. And this is where they will remain until, by the grace of God, all the negativity of the memories of those tragic events are alleviated and their vehicles are restored to their original perfection. For what these beloved lifestreams forfeited on behalf of all their brothers and sisters in the Human Family, let me say to you, they will not be required to carry the burden of these horrific events forward! So be it!

Now, before this year ends, I would like to address another topic that may create some anxiety within you, but beloved of my heart, I assure you it is all part of a greater divine plan. Let me begin by saying those of us in the higher realms are not beings with "bodies" or "personalities" as you find in the third dimensional world of form. However, for eons of time it was out of necessity that you came to know us in this way so barriers could not be put up between us by your attempts to understand and know our true nature.  

When we came to humanity in a manner you could each relate to, it allowed you to more easily accept our presence in your lives. Therefore, you were able to interact with us more easily and focus your attention more closely upon our messages without distraction.  

We are not made of solid substance, as you may currently believe as a result of the limitations of your current perceptual abilities. We can more closely be described as separate energy vibrations observed with both your physical and inner sight as varying degrees of light. Such light may appear as a soft warm glow such as you find with a small candle, all the way to a brilliant "light of a thousand suns" that in its magnificence, may cause you to turn away, not out of fear but because it is more than your physical senses can safely fully assimilate at that moment.  

More simply stated, depending upon our evolvement, we are nothing more than the pure and perfect essence of divine energy and vibration. Without bodily shape or form, the closest description of the physicality of our being is light... nothing more and nothing less!  

With this knowledge It is now time for you to move to the next step on your path toward mastery by accepting and working with this same component of your cosmic aspect, by helping to form higher vibrations and forcefields of light and energy in, upon and around the planet Earth. Working in this way directly with the divine qualities of the Godhead is your next challenge and task beloved ones and this, I believe, you will happily and lovingly do for the further evolution of humanity.  

As I stated previously, prior to this time in your evolution it was not possible for you to actually interact and work with us as we truly are. However, if you now choose to focus your attention upon the vibration of one or more of the divine qualities that we embody, through the vibratory activity of our light, you may increase your sensory abilities and enhance your experiences with us by first resonating at your current level any divine quality within you... be it compassion, faith, peace, love, or... For as each of you well know, like attracts like.  

United as such and connected in this way we will then be able to more perfectly and easily continue the process of raising your vibrations to our level. Ultimately you will reach the level of Universal I AM Consciousness, as you re-discover your divinity and further develop your spiritual gifts and abilities.  

In order to further fulfill Divine Will it is now time to drop the physicality of our form, character and behavior as human! We will assist you in this process by beginning to communicate with you at other levels, such as a fleeting thought, a subtle feeling, or an enfolding energy. You may also catch a momentary glimpse of us out of the corner of your eye from time to time. All of these things will in turn start to trigger memories within you at the cellular level as you now take, your next step forward and upward in your evolution, that is, if you choose to do so. It is truly up to you beloved ones!  

As I now draw my message to a close, let me say it has indeed been an honor and a privilege to work with you again as the Enfolding Spirit for the year 2001. In this period of great change and adversity you have all done well. Now it is time to look to the future! I believe I speak for the entire spiritual hierarchy when I say; those of us in the higher realms look forward to forging a new and wonderful relationship with you beloved ones! There is much for you to learn and much more for you to accomplish as you continue to take your rightful place within the One Universal Consciousness, I AM that I AM!


One of infinite numbers

of Solar Lords in this Universe






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