The Ongoing Expansion of Spiritual Growth and Development

Over a decade ago divine wisdom dictated that the channel for The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom would, from that time forth be anonymous so that the chela’s attention would be placed, not upon the messenger but upon the message. Since that time the development of the students has been much more than anticipated primarily due to the fact that the responsibility for ones life now rests where it belonged - upon each individual. It has been and always will be up to you, beloved ones and no one else to make the decisions in your life.

Now once again divine wisdom dictates that it is time for you - each and every one of you - to create the bridge between heaven and Earth yourself, connecting directly with the Godhead without an intermediary of any kind, whether they are from the physical plane of Earth or the higher realms of Light. For this reason you will begin to see less attention placed upon the individual Ascended Masters and other great Beings of Light. It is time for more emphasis to be placed upon Universal Consciousness and the Oneness of all life everywhere. Less attention will be placed upon specific retreats and temples that exist in, through and around this planet. Instead, it is time to place more importance upon the energy and vibration that is constantly available to you for the Light of God is everywhere present.

For a time, during this transition, the authors of some messages will continue to be acknowledged. You may also be asked to place your attention upon a specific physical location where spiritual energies have been anchored and service has been provided for eons of time. However, beloved ones, please be aware that eventually your attention will focus only on the gifts and blessings bestowed upon planet Earth and all life upon it through light, energy and vibration.

In no way does this mean that you will not continue to be an integral part and member of the Great White Brotherhood. In fact this is the beginning of the next phase in your spiritual development. Just as each member who came before you developed their spiritual gifts and talents and began to take more responsibility within the Brotherhood, so too is it now your turn. We are aware that to take your rightful place in the universe you must now make many changes within your physical, mental, emotional and etheric vehicles for truly when you choose to accept full responsibility for your life, you and the path you walk in life will never be the same!

To assist you in this transformation the Universal Presence of God, I AM THAT I AM serves as the Enfolding Spirit for this year so the direct connection can now commence. To facilitate and aid in this process, no specific Sponsors will be named. However, be assured that the entire Ascended Host of Light will silently enfold you in their gifts and blessings as you go through this sacred initiation. For now the books and publications of The Bridge as they have been published can and will continue to be of assistance but we encourage changes as you shift the focus and place your attention upon the specific divine qualities, gifts, blessings and activities instead of a particular being or group of beings.

Also be aware that the messages from the higher realms of Light will not necessarily carry the name of a Being of Light, unless they contain information where knowledge of the author is advantageous in some way or another. This is not to say that the masters and other light beings will not be quoted in a text but they will no longer be your focal point as the reader.

The first universal dispensation of the New Millennium and the New Age was given to the planet Earth several months ago beloved ones! What is written here today is but a very small part of a much larger explanation.  In the weeks and months to come more details will be released. Many changes will soon be seen within all aspects of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. It is hoped that with these changes you will open your minds and hearts further, continuing to grow and develop becoming the Beings of Light you truly are. Remember, beloved ones, this organization has, is and always will be a harbinger of hope and forerunner in your Earth’s almost limitless spiritual activities. We now thank you in advance for your understanding, cooperation and assistance in this new endeavor dear chelas. Know without a doubt all is well. All is very, very well!





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