Creating Freedom in Your Lives

June 3, 2000


Beloved seekers to spiritual truths,

I come before you today to say you no longer need to seek freedom, for, whether you are aware of it or not, you have always had this magnificent gift! It was and continues to be embodied in the power of free will choice given so lovingly and freely to each of you at the time of your creation. With this knowledge, what you now need to do is become aware of and accept the fact that throughout the hundreds of embodiments you have each lived, you have 'chosen' how you would use your free will in creating freedom in your lives.

Each good choice and every bad choice has been yours, beloved ones! Whatever you desired for yourself ultimately was your decision, whether it was prior to or during embodiment. You have each been a pauper and a king or queen. Each of you has lived lives on all sides of the law. Many times you have put aside your personal needs to help your brothers and sisters. On the other hand, you have also often turned your backs on those in need.

Now, in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom, as you become aware of your many choices, it is time to be proud of your accomplishments, recognizing that every choice assisted in making you who you are today. It is also time to allow yourself to feel regret and sorrow for your wrong use of God's Holy Energy. It is for this reason that the gifts of mercy and forgiveness are so very necessary at this time in the earth’s evolution.

Until you face and accept your own use of this sacred energy, and its resultant outer effects, you cannot truly forgive yourself or others. This is especially important now, beloved ones so that, once and for all, you can finally accept your self―your whole self―with all your so called faults and your many wonderful gifts to life.

It is also time to understand the many divine principles involved such as the Law of Re-embodiment, the Law of Forgiveness, and the Law of the Circle. The manifestation of the new age will out picture itself in you at your own level of development. That is; if you have misused energy, at some time you will have to face this fact in your outer world experience and redeem it. You must accept and transmute this misuse in the outer world to whatever degree is possible. However, as you do this, you must also purify and forgive yourself at inner levels, so no further negative use of your own energy may go forth.

From the time you perceive the truth and reality of spiritual freedom, this must be your prime objective. Freeing yourself from wrong response, as well as wrong action, and especially from wrong thought, is a most important part of your work, beloved ones For then, as you begin to give forth only purified energy, the gift of healing will become an active force in, through and around you.

In the meantime, however, all your struggles, confusions, and other possibly negative effects will be relieved by the process of transmutation, thereby teaching you what to do with the return of negative energies, to clear your own forcefield and get you into the habit of thinking, feeling, and being conscious at a much higher level. Over time, you will become increasingly more aware of yourself as an integral part of the much greater universal plan.

Beloved ones, if you give serious thought to my observations this morning, you will quickly come to realize that spiritual freedom has always been present in your lives, and that the new age represents the externalization of the effects of this freedom, given at the beginning of your life in all its limitless aspects, over countless embodiments.

God's quality of spiritual freedom must ultimately manifest in its pure and perfect form, dear chelas. All of the transmutation, forgiveness, and merciful understanding must first manifest in you. As it spreads throughout the planet, we hope it will become the ruling force within the consciousness of the vast majority of the human race. Then, the outer manifestation will truly be that of perfect Freedom, right through every physical, etheric, mental and emotional expression on this Earth. Together with us, this is your task! Remember always, as you prepare to start each day, wrap yourself in a magnificent cloak of freedom, embracing others in our united gift to life. I thank you for your attention and good day!

I AM Saint Germain,

Chohan of the Seventh Ray





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