God’s Gifts are Given to be Used

June 1, 2000


My beloved Disciples,


It is with deep and abiding gratitude and love that I speak to you this morning. I AM so very grateful for your presence here and for the love within your hearts that has drawn you to this place and to the work of establishing the New Age of Spiritual Freedom on this planet.


It is to the few that the care of the many comes! If you will but look throughout the history of your world, so this has always been. Sanat Kumara was one among millions of lifestreams who chose to come to earth and hold the light until humanity was able to do so. Moses along with Aaron faced Pharaoh, a god among his people, who appeared to be the most powerful man on earth at that time, demanding that their people be released from centuries of bondage. David alone slew Goliath. I along with my twelve disciples and a small number of followers changed the world as it was known two thousand years ago. The list goes on and on of the individuals and small groups who have done great things and at the time were often unknown to the rest of the world for their accomplishments.


Frequently, the reason for this is not because there is no sense of caring among the vast majority of people, but rather that most people do not usually understand and accept the power and authority they have over the conditions in their lives and their ability to come to the aid of others. Humanity is truly blessed, beloved ones. Your Father-Mother God has given you everything you need to live a happy, harmonious, prosperous life. However, few among you accept this great abundance.


There are really only two choices you may make regarding the use of your own God given power. The first is to accept your power, and act upon it. The second is, of course, to give your power away to someone else, permitting them to use it. In either case, the responsibility is yours, beloved ones! Often, the fear of the unknown coupled with a lack of self confidence, creates a tremendous barrier to one's spiritual growth. And if enough souls feel the same way and are unable to accept their power then the forward evolution of your planet can be severely reduced.


This is why it is so important not only to be aware of the cosmic laws governing the right use of energy but you must apply them in your daily life. Gifts are given to be used, dear chelas! And as such, they should not just be unwrapped, looked at, and then placed away in what you believe is a safe place, for then they will be forgotten and of no use to anyone.


I will close my message to you this morning with, perhaps, two of the most important points of Law to understand and accept. Life energy is not only a gift from your Father-Mother God but a dynamic force, which will create but it must be directed. Also, as it goes forth, it draws to itself a like energy and vibration.


Just think what could happen if the energy of all the people on this planet could be focused upon a single endeavor, such as bringing peace to this world. This can happen, beloved ones! However, there must first be those individuals willing and able to share with the rest of humanity the very simple but often difficult to accept Laws of Life. This is your task my beloved sisters and brothers. Go forth and share the words of God but first you must accept these divine principles in your own lives. Just as it was for me, through your example the way, the truth and the life shall be revealed!


Your brother and friend of ages past,

Micah, Archangel of Unity




Gratitude to the Presence of God I AM

and the Violet Transmuting Flame


Beloved Presence of God I AM in us and in the hearts of all humanity; we bless and thank you for your ever present oneness in our lives. Before your great power, your great light and your great love, we humbly bow!

Standing forever enfolded in your golden light may we constantly remember that you are always with us. And may the power of your love continue to sustain us all the days of our sojourn here on Earth.

In the world of illusion, of which we have been a part of its creation, there is much that must now be relinquished and released through the sacred flames of purification and transmutation, so we may move ever forward into the realms of light unhindered by anything of the past.

As we choose to take responsibility for and accomplish this task, we call forth the Flames of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. Blazing through our beings and worlds in ever increasing intensity, we know that the purification of planet Earth is taking place.

For this wonderful opportunity we are grateful. We are so very grateful!

So be it, beloved I AM.








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