Message from the President 

My beloved friends and co-servers,

Recently, after making some plans without having all the answers I was able to stand back and observe how, in the divine order of all things, the task before me had easily and effortless unfolded. Grateful to have once again received this major revelation in my life which so many times slips my mind I decided to take some time to study this wonderful and so often forgotten blessing from God. Equipped with this information and grateful for this marvelous gift I then took a look at the lives of all my loved ones to see how each of them was truly blessed thus further expanding my gratitude.

In so doing, I also came to the realization once again that I truly had no control over my life. I only thought I did! Why is it that most of humanity has the need to rely only on themselves, plan, constantly contemplate, obsess, or when things don't go the way we believe they should, become upset or angry instead of bowing our heads and giving thanks to our Godparents and the glorious divine plan and our individual part in it?

Especially during this time of year, I believe we should take time to acknowledge the perfect and complete divine order of all things. Remember, beloved ones, our Mother-Father God in infinite wisdom and unconditional love for each and every one of us are always with us gently guiding and directing us on our journey through life as we attempt to find our way back home into God's open and loving arms. For all of this, and so much more, I AM most grateful!

Rebecca Ann Laycock





Invocation for Divine Order 

In the full power and authority of the beloved Presence of God I AM… we call to you beloved Principa.

Direct your radiation and power into our four lower vehicles. Assist us and our body elemental in manifesting divine order within ourselves and in the world around us.

In unity and purity, we, the chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, offer ourselves as the perfect channels through which to pour all your blessings and your rays of light!


Let Your power of DIVINE ORDER


flow through us and all light workers into all life and all situations on our dear planet Earth so that its forward movement into the light may be further accelerated.