Beloved ones, The following Service was revised in September 2000 to more perfectly reflect the momentum of the New Millennium and the ever changing consciousness and service to life of all chelas and students of the Light around the planet. This is the service that is now given at Shamballa on the first Sunday of each month. We invite you to incorporate this service into the activities in your location. For those of you who would like a copy on 8 l 2 X 11 inch sheets, you may request one From Headquarters.


(revised September 2000)

Remaining centered, close your eyes and concentrate upon the unity of your heartflame with all chelas and beings of light present in this room and with everyone connected to this service by ties of light.... In unison breathe in deeply....and as we breathe out let us prepare to work with this month's Breathing Statement for the assimilation and expansion of the Electronic Pattern. I will give the breathing statement four times for each full breath.

On the inbreath, breathe in the qualities for this month. As you hold your breath in, absorb these qualities deep within your being. As you breathe out, expand and increase the power and momentum of *­__________________ gifts and blessings. Finally as you hold your breath out of your body, project these magnificent qualities forth to all life.... Ready to begin.... Breathe in...and breathe out.... Breathe in again... and release your breath


Breathe in ... and breathe out. . Ready to begin. Breathe in.


I AM inbreathing ***  



I AM absorbing ***



I AM expanding ***



I AM projecting ***






*        insert Master or Divine Quality for the month

* *     insert electronic pattern for the month

* * * insert breathing statement for the month

Breathe in deeply.... and breathe out as you hold this divine concept within your mind's eye. This morning we are positioned around the base of the mighty golden chalice of Holy Spirit. Feel and know that not only are we a part of this chalice, we are also its connection with the earthplane.  

Now, experience your feet firmly planted on the ground. As you continue your rhythmic breathing pattern, expand this connection until it takes root deep within the physical body of Mother Earth. Breathe in and experience the earthy scent of the soil. As you exhale, savor the cool waters of the oceans as they embrace your body. Now, a gentle breeze lightly caresses your face. With each and every breath you take, you become more and more connected to the planet until we join as one within the Planetary Threefold Flame at the very center of the Earth.  

Returning your attention to this Sanctuary, become aware of the stem of the chalice once again. It is a shimmering translucent pillar of golden light. This column of light holds the cup of the chalice aloft, high above this physical sanctuary, to fully receive and dispense the gifts of all the beings of light with whom we are working with today. It is filled to overflowing with all the pure and perfect gifts of the blessed ones. (pause)  

Above the chalice an enormous brilliant crystalline diamond heart pulsates in the atmosphere. This sacred heart truly embodies the sacred essence of Shamballa, the heartcenter of this activity of light for our beloved planet Earth. This precious gem is made up of all the gifts of the Great White Brotherhood and the many great cosmic beings of light in the universe who constantly dispense their offerings to this planet and all life upon it.

See *_____________________  within the translucent pillar of golden light that forms the stem of the chalice. Deep in meditation, attune our consciousness with the diamond heart, with all beings of light concerned with the physical focus of Shamballa and with each one of us.  

Far above the chalice legion upon legion upon legion of loving angels patiently wait, ready to assist in our service this morning. Concentrate, now, upon *_________________ In the silence of your heart make this call: I ACCEPT THAT I AM A PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I SEEK YOUR ASSISTANCE BLESSED ONE. (3X)  

As you listen with your heart *                 speaks:  



As these words are spoken feel yourself at one with the great Golden Chalice of Holy Spirit. Shamballa pulsates deep within you filling the atmosphere all around you. See the great Body of Light encircling the planet connecting all chelas and lightworkers everywhere on the face of the Earth. We are one!  

Begin to bring your attention back to this Sanctuary. Breathe in deeply and breathe out. Breathe in again ... and when you are ready, please open your eyes. Now, reach for your decree books and turn to Decree 1-05, The Vedantic Prayer. When you have found it, please stand. As one voice. .  

Oh, Thou Infinite Holy Presence of God, the Divine Source of all life, hallowed be Thy sacred name! We bow before Thee in gratitude, praise and thanksgiving for Thy supreme presence in the universe! Because Thou art, I AM! We return to Thee, Almighty One, all the power and dominion we have ever vested in any imperfect manifestation, visible or invisible, for Thou art the all-power of the universe, and there is no other power than can act! Let Thy Will be done in and through us NOW! Let Thy Kingdom of God Consciousness be manifest across the face of this Earth through the heart flames of all who are so blessed as to live upon it now.  

Oh, supreme, beloved One, as we lift our hearts, our vision, and our consciousness toward Thee, release the substance of Thyself to us, each according to our requirements, so that as we move forward in Thy name and upon Thy service, we shall not be found wanting!  

We ask forgiveness for all transgressions of Thy law of love and harmony, both for ourselves and all humankind, the forces of the elemental kingdom and the kingdom of nature. Endow us now with Thy power and desire to forgive all who have every caused us distress back unto the very beginning of time.  

Because we are One with Thee, we fear no evil, for there is no power apart from Thee. Thou art the strength and the power by which we move ever forward on the Path of Righteousness-and now-oh, Mother-Father of Light-show us the FULL GLORY we had with Thee in the beginning, even before this world was! So be it, beloved I AM!  (Pause)  

Beloved ones, the Fire of the Holy Spirit within you, is now permitted to send forth its tongues of flame through your consciousness to all humankind! You have been prepared for this service throughout the ages, and you are perfectly attuned to God's Perfection through the gift of listening grace, for WHERE YOUR ATTENTION IS, THERE YOU ARE! Remember, your consciousness ties into whatever your attention draws to itself!  

In the name and by the power of the almighty I AM vested in us, we, your chelas, call to you, our beloved Holy Æolus, Mother Mary, Archangel Gabriel, Micah, Archangel of Unity and *               We now raise the Golden Cup to be filled with the Holy Essence of THE CHRIST. We also raise the chalice of our consciousness, each and every one of us. LET THE GOLDEN ELIXIR OF THE COSMIC CHRIST ENTER. Fill it to the brim with this essence, the holy elixir of the Light. THE ALL PERVADING LIGHT OF THE COSMOS.  


You may be seated. Beloved Archangel Micah, now appears. As your Christ Consciousness awakens, deep within the center of your being he commands your Christ Presence to come forth now! In response to his powerful words, you breathe in deeply and the threefold flame in your heart expands, expands and expands until it completely enfolds you and YOUR HOLY CHRIST SELF STANDS REVEALED!  

We silently affirm within our hearts, I AM THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I CALL FORTH THE GIFT OF DIVINE LOVE! From the crystalline diamond heart a Pink Ray of God's Pure Divine Love now enters our unified chalice. Filled to overflowing the Pink Flame enters our crown chakras and fills our beings. Flowing through us this light now permeates the Body of Light and it begins to pulsate, radiating its gifts forth to all life. Breathe in ... and breathe out.

We now affirm: I AM THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I NOW CALL FORTH THE GIFT OF GOD'S ILLUMINATION! From the crystalline diamond heart a Golden Ray of God's Illumination enters our unified chalice. Filled to overflowing the Golden Flame enters our crown chakras and fills our beings. Flowing through us this light now permeates the Body of Light and it begins to pulsate, radiating its gifts forth to all life. Breathe in ... and breathe out.  

Again we affirm: I AM THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I NOW CALL FORTH THE GIFTS OF GOD'S WILL, STRENGTH AND THE PERFECTION OF DIVINE PRINCIPLE FOR ALL LIFE! From the crystalline diamond heart a Blue Ray of God's power, protection and faith enters our unified chalice. Filled to overflowing the Blue Flame enters our crown chakras and fills our beings. Flowing through us this light now permeates the Body of Light and it begins to pulsate, radiating its gifts forth to all life. Breathe in ... and breathe out.  

With these three sacred flames perfectly balanced, again we affirm: I AM THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I NOW CALL FORTH THE GIFTS OF GOD'S PURITY! From the crystalline diamond heart a White Ray of God's purity, resurrection and ascension enters our unified chalice. Filled to overflowing the White Flame now enters our crown chakras and fills our beings. Flowing through us this light now permeates the Body of Light and it begins to pulsate, radiating its gifts forth to all life and we affirm once again with conviction: I AM THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST AND I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE OF GOD'S PERFECTION FOR ALL LIFE! Breathe in ... and breathe out.  

Beloved ones, gently return your attention to the Sanctuary and remaining very centered, please repeat after me:  

Divine Universal Consciousness; //

I offer you the cup of my consciousness. //

Fill it with the golden light of God Illumination, //

And pure divine love. //

May you always walk the Earth through me, //

And may I have the good common sense, //

And the understanding to know //

When I should give a drink from that cup //

To my fellow traveler, the great and so called small. //  

Thank you! (pause)


Jesus has told us: If you will now raise the chalice of your consciousness to the Christ Presence within, beloved Holy Æolus, Mother Mary, and I shall personally dispense this sacred essence to each one of you here and all chelas everywhere, who are joined by ties of light to this sacred communion service. I AM THE CHRIST IN ACTION NOW, and for all eternity, each blessed chela has the power and privilege to remain in this consciousness forever!  

Please, once again, repeat after me:  

I AM the Christ in action now, //

And in true humility, //

I accept this consciousness for all eternity. //

And through the enfolding love //

Of beloved Æolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit, //

 Beloved Mother Mary, and Jesus, the Christ, //

So shall it be! (pause)  

Thank you.


Take this chalice and drink freely of its essence and it shall then be your responsibility to feed those who are hungry, and to give drink to those who thirst. Drink deeply my beloved ones, of the holy essence of the sacred elixir of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, and be filled with the everlasting grace of God.  

Beloved ones, as we now prepare to seal this service in the new and higher vibration, let us raise our voices in song by singing (or reciting) I AM THY CUP.  

I AM within the stream

Of my Christ's own flowing love;

I hold my cup straight up to Thee

Great Presence of all love!

Fill now this offered Cup

Till it runneth sweetly o'er;

As I now stand within Thy stream

To love and to adore!


Here now I offer Thee

All myself -Thy Holy Grail;

Beloved Holy Pure Christ Self,

Thy life in all I hail!

My cup now runneth o'er

As I hold me up to Thee;

Beloved Presence of my life,

I AM at one with Thee!


I AM at one with Thee,

My whole-self¾Thyself all free!

For so it is ordained to be

Through all eternity!

Myself, Thyself¾just Thee!

Thine own will be done in me!

Beloved Presence of my life,

I AM at one with Thee


We now ask that the Angels of Resurrection take the rays of light now blazing within this chalice and traverse the Earth to anoint the vehicles of all life. We ask a special blessing of all who live upon the Earth that they may accept the sacred elixir of divinity and receive the most glorious Holy Communion ever manifest upon this planet!  






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